How safe is my data and where is it kept?
Your security comes first with everything we provide...

Your data and security

All of your data is stored in Secure Servers. Your security comes first with everything we provide. We know now that not even the Pentagon guarantees complete 100% safety, but we’ll go out of our way to give security whilst you are using our platform. 

All passwords and any personally identifiable data – for example: your name, your company name and your company address – are stored on disk (in our database) and our staff do not have any access to these details, as they are password protected.


We take regular automated and encrypted backups of all data stored on our servers and then transport those backups securely to data centres around the Globe. We backup our files every day.


We don’t store card details, thus giving you even more security.
All payments are made through the ultra-secure PayPal system.

System requirements
Please read the system requirements before purchasing

Learn more about the features and benefits of Price A Job

Look at how to calculate estimates.

Look at how ready estimates and quotas look like.

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