First Newsletter
Standard Version will be available by the 15th of March, at the latest.

We would like to thank all of the people who have helped us to prepare for our launch. Your support in testing and improving our software has been invaluable.

A team of Quantity Surveyors has checked and approved 78% of the estimating modules available on PriceAJob, and in a few more weeks they will have completed the full 100% of tests.

We have received hundreds of questions about PriceAJob, and most of the questions start the same way: ‘When will it be available to buy?’

We are very happy to state here that the Standard Version will be available by the 15th of March, at the latest.

Our Reviews
We would like to thank those people who have reviewed us – it has been such a pleasure to create and launch this much-needed software, and we know it’ll be a vital tool as you design your estimates and quotes. Now that UK builders have the advantage of our PriceAJob software, their lives will get a whole lot easier!

Your Ideas…
If you think that we could still add more that will help you to run your business and make your quoting life a lot easier, then please let us know; we are constantly evolving and developing PriceAJob.

Please contact us at: [email protected]

System requirements
Please read the system requirements before purchasing

Learn more about the features and benefits of Price A Job

Look at how to calculate estimates.

Look at how ready estimates and quotas look like.

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