Usability is Updated
New way to treat Reports, Export, Mailing and Payment Schedule

Main Estimate Switcher

Switching between CALCULATIONS and REPORT panel

Switching between Calculation and Report

Filter Project Data by Category

By default, all the Categories (Material, Labor, Plant & Tool and Other Costs) are available and enumerable.

Project Categories Filter allows filter All Modules or adjust categories in picked modules.

Filter Project Data By Category

Report Pages

Reports Pages provide view and ability to finalize appearance of the page content. To change Logo, Header and applying Templates on the output needs go to the Preview Page.

Preview Single Report

Choose one of the output formats by clicking the buttons in the top right corner of the screen. It fired Preview Report modal window with Download button in the right bottom top of the modal.

Preview Single Report

Combine Multiple Reports

Choose which one will be exported in a bulk to Download as a single file or Attached to the mail. In case of Download be sure to set appearance of the chosen Reports in advance. Clicking on the Export button directly calls File to download. Clicking on the Mail Opens

Combine Multiple Reports


There are two ways to trigger the mail of the Reports Pages.

  • By going through Combine/Mail links
  • By clicking envelope sign in the top right corner of the window

Generally, there is no big difference how to call the modal, because as soon as it appears you got in a footer the Attach File button, that gives option Combine multiple reports in a one or attach them one by one.

Add/Preview/Edit Attachment

To attach file, click the Clip icon in the modal footer. If attachment is chosen, it’s preview is available in a Side panel. Click on the Pencil icon to Edit it in a separate Preview window

Add Preview Edit Attachment

Using Templates

Use one of the predefined Templates or create email that you would like to use as a Template for the next mails and click Save New Template button.

Using Template

Edit Message

To edit message tap on the Text button in the modal footer. The Edit Bar will appear in the Editor window.

Edit Message

Copy message to own email

To copy message to the email address, mentioned in Profile leave Copy to mecheckbox checked.

Copy Message To Own Email

Payment Schedule

Auto Generate

Auto Generate button calls modal where you could adjust parameters.

Auto Generate Button

Auto Generate Modal allows adjust Amount and Percentage or even switch off/on Deposit and Retention checkboxes.

Auto Generate Modal

Add Row

Click on the Add Row button to enroll the Estimate Modules Costs to the Scheduled Payments.

Add Row

There are some options how to add Costs of Modules to the Payment Schedule:

  • Select All Modules Costs to include
  • Pick up a payment from the Estimate
  • Combine some Modules Costs to the one Payment Row. (Tick the Combine checkbox in a modal footer)

Module Costs To Payment Schedule

Attention Sign

There is an Attention Sign appears before Estimate Total row, in case Estimate and Payment Schedule total figures are differing

Attention Sign

System requirements
Please read the system requirements before purchasing

Learn more about the features and benefits of Price A Job

Look at how to calculate estimates.

Look at how ready estimates and quotas look like.

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